- 1,这是我印象中还记得的第一次同一晚上在不同的梦里梦到同一个人和场景;
- 2,当时我清晰地知道我自己是在做梦,但是吓醒之前的5~10分钟(感觉像是)里我拼命试图让自己赶紧醒过来,但是不行;
- 3,我很少在梦里说英文,毕竟我是中文思维,但这两段梦我完全是在跟这个黑人大妈英文对话,并且她的很多措词在现实生活中我甚至都不会说;
- 4,我清晰地记得我能很清楚地看到她的脸,她是个40~50岁之间的黑人大妈;
- 5,梦中我所在的房间的结构跟现实差不多,但是两扇窗户确实在不同的地方,窗户的大小也不一样;
- 6,早上问了几个亚特兰大当地土生土长的老太太同事,聚在一起分享我的梦,她们说这个酒店一八几几年美国内战的时候就有了,当时是个医院,因此常听人说有人曾在酒店走道上看到受伤士兵的鬼魂之类的故事,后来改成了公寓,再后来改成了商业住宅,十多年前变成了旅馆(但还不是现在的这家的名字),前些年这家Artmore才把这个建筑买了下来。
I slept in Artmore hotel room 203 (the window left to the black”Studio Bar” plate) last night in midtown Atlanta, and I dreamed an African American lady seated by my side and told me “You took my place!”, after a while I woke up, went to the restroom and then returned to bed, and I dreamed the SAME lady again, she told me “I hung myself to die here 26 (or maybe 27) years ago, and you took my place”. now I am very interested in the history of that hotel, especially that room.
Couple of thoughts/info:
- 1, this was the first time that I dreamed the same person in two different pieces of dream at one night;
- 2, I knew I was in the dream and tried to wake myself up but failed;
- 3, I seldom speak English in dream and these two pieces of dream were all English conversation, yeah~;
- 4, I can clearly see the lady’s face, about 40~50 years old;
- 5, The room structure in the dream was the same as real but the windows were in different size and place;
- 6, I checked the history of this hotel, it used to be a hotel before civil war, turned to an apartment and then a condominium before it turned to be a hotel, local Atlanta folks said there were stories like seeing ghost that looks like wounded soldiers on the hallway. I checked this hotel online this morning and it seems there are a lot haunted stories.
I’d like to find out the truth, so next time when I am here in Atlanta, I’d like to reserve the same room. Room 203 and meet the lady again.
Shut the F-up!!!!!
I am in Room 324 and glasses keep falling and breaking.